Friday, February 4, 2011

a reply

haha , yes he is .
Heyy , i want to update and reply to a post . that , had hurt me so much and just left me thinkinq .

So , its nice tht you actuaally cared to tell me . I will like to thankyou . But to me , those are past . Thinqs that have happen , whether its real or made up . I don't care . Cause this is the present , you just have to accept tht everybody has its past . Bad or qood . Nobody is born free from mistakes . Nobody , even me . I had my mistakes . I played my part to hurt him , once . It wasn't his fault it was mine . If he don't love me , and anythinq . If we were not meant to be , so be it . What does it qt to do with you ? You have simply no idea , what we have qone thru , and how he have proven to me . We must learn how to forqive and forqet . Its not tht kiter naaq straiqht jadi mataer , i told you didn't i . Thinqs like this , i don't want to rush . We still can prove . I also , contact with alot of people . Tapi you sayanqkan juqak . So riqht now , i want to ask you . Pompuan sundal macam yaani ker yanq you naq ?! So yeaah . You just have to think .

I just don't like it . There are better ways to say it .

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