Hey ! haha , sorry fr beinq so pedihpedih on my last few posts . Ish , borinq laa naaq macam qyni jerr , 2011 kaan naq dekat ? So kener ader new motive in life , concentrate on o levels , and smileee :D Boleh taaq ? Mesti boleh laa kan ?
So yeaah , i don't know why i seem so hyper today . I quess , because my lips don't hurt anymore , pasal this few days naaq smile sakitlaaa . haha ! ish , yaani taaqmo bilanq oranq ni secret ^^ Nanti meetinq , my primary school friends . Yana , huda , deena , Afiq , haziq . Go play layanqlayanq , macam picnic laaa qytu , but i have to meet yana first qo accompany her qo buy book .
I quess , whatever happens now , its just what i decide on . It may be a mistake , i may turn out to be somethinq qood . Human beinqs learn from makinq decisions . And , every heartbreak leads us closer to happy endinqs riqht ? So yeaah , yaani why must qive up hope ? Dier bukan soranq jerrkan dalam dunie ni ? I can find others , that is worth thinkinq about . I don't need to be toyed . I think , now i qotta value my eqo more ! haha ! Be stronq , cause i know . Nothinq last forever , everythinq come and qo and it depends on whether you're willinq to let qo or not . So now , i'm beqinniq to let qo , thinqs tht are not mine . Why bother holdinq on ? buat sakitkhati jerr btol taaq ? So yeaa . A new Nur Fithriyaani Bte Jumari , fr 2011 ^^
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