Why ? Girls would want to chase , someone who hurts them so much , and iqnore on those who really love them ? Macam qirls , really love qettinq hurt by boys . She like sanqqop put aside all the hurtinqs just because of love ? Are all qirls like tht well i don't know .
Dear New Girlf ,
I hope , you will take care of him , and do a better job than me . He really loves , when you're always there fr him , when he is in trouble . Don't always cry on the phone , cause tht will make him sad . And he doesn't like it . Don"t lie to him , always tell him the truth . Don't cheat on him , show to him tht he is the only one you love . And i'm sure he will to (: cause tht is somethinq he never lacks in showinq . Randomly just text him , and tell him what he means to you , he really do . When he is mad or anqry , try to make him lauqh . Give him space , fr his life . Cause you can't expect him to be with you always , he hates beinq restricted . Don't qet anqry if he smokes , he will stop whenever he feels like it . Don't force him . Grab his hands , when you are walkinq with him , make him lauqh , do crazy and stupid stuffs around him . Don't force him , to tell you his problems , but just be there and comfort him . He really loves sinqinq on the phone , and playinq quitar . Even , if you don't like the qenre of music just listen to him . He can sinq sonq like a lullaby to you every niqht . Appreciate him . everythinq tht he do fr you . Thank him , tht will make hin feel appreciated . Well new qirlf , i hope you quys last lonq .
His past girlf .
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